Thursday, October 25, 2012


I recently spent 10 days visiting Karyn and David at their new home in Kyoto, Japan. I left San Antonio on Wednesday, Oct. 10 and arrived in Kyoto on Friday, Oct. 12. This involved spending one night in Salt Lake City as well as crossing the International Date Line and a 14 hour time zone change. It was not an easy trip! David met me at the airport in Osaka and Karyn met us at the train station in Kyoto.

Pizza downstairs

Entrance to apartments

The apartment where Karyn and David live is above a Pizza Hut. No, we never had any pizza! Who wants pizza in Japan?! To the right of the Pizza Hut is this entrance to the apartments. There is a locked door for security so no surprise visits.

David and Karyn at home in Kyoto

After depositing my luggage at the apartment we went out to eat at a nearby Nepalese Restaurant. Nearby means that we walked a ways but did not get on a train. This is what you do when you do not have a car. It requires more time management and a lot of exercise, a totally foreign idea to most Americans!

Nepalese Cuisine

The owners of the restaurant obviously have seen Karyn & David before. We were warmly greeted and well fed. The train station is just a few steps to the right in this photo. The trains rumbling overhead totally add to the overall ambiance of the place! The food was yummy though.

After the meal it was back to the apartment and BED! Yes.....but it was difficult to get to sleep. The excitement of arrival and the time change messed up sleep the whole trip. That's just one of the hazards of international travel. Plus it's just not your bed at home. In fact, this was a futon on the floor, Japanese style. It was an immersion experience. 8^)

Now that I'm home sleep is still a mess. Good that I'm retired and can take my time about adjusting!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Tough Trip

Last weekend I was in Lubbock, TX visiting my sister, June. A family friend gave me a call and said "If you want to see your sister when she might still know who you are, then you need to come now." My brother came as well and we were able to get some things done together for a change. It was really nice to have him there with me.

I last saw June during the summer right after Bob's retirement ceremony. We headed up to Muleshoe (8 hour drive) and brought paperwork with us. THANK GOODNESS we did that. Medical and durable powers of attorney were all put in order. June was bedridden but totally in full control of all her mental faculties. This trip it was hard to tell if she was in touch with reality. Sometimes yes and sometimes for sure, no. Out of the blue she asked "Where's Bob?" so I know she knew who I was or at least who I'm married to!

I got a two-for-one visit in as well. The family friend fell and shattered his elbow so he was in the hospital too. He told me he is 86 or 87 years old. I had no idea!! Wow! He was raring at the bit to get out of that hospital and get on with his life. God bless James! Here's a photo of James that was in my previous email of Pic of the Day. This was in October of 2011 when June first got sick.

Our angel on earth!

Right now June is out of the Lubbock hospital and back in Park View...a nursing home in Muleshoe. It is unbelievable how quickly and how far she has gone downhill in this past year. Hospice is on board to help us out and we are fortunate to have them. It has helped out amazingly to have the powers of attorney all in order. EVERYONE, sick or not, needs to have these. I cannot emphasize that enough. Do it!! Okay, I confess I don't have POAs but it was vital for my sister who has no spouse or children to speak for her. Without this I could get NO information and had great difficulty in helping out in any way.

Here's a photo with a wonderful nurse....

And a photo of the two of us....

And a close-up....

It's easy to see how I might look in a few years. The resemblance is startling, even to me. And I have to finish with a pic of my Garmin the GPS of my dreams. It never fails to tickle me when I put in a destination back home. Turn in 66 miles!

From Muleshoe to the hospital in Lubbock

Take care of yourself and your family! You never know!
