Thursday, December 20, 2012

UIW Graduation

Graduation Program

University of Incarnate Word had their graduation exercises last Sunday. Guess who was in the program as one of the faculty?!

KODB is in there!

Yep, KODB, aka Bob, was in the program AND he had to be at the event as well. I gave it a pass but he let me take some photos when he got home. Doesn't he look the epitome of a professor?!!!

Professor Kiser

I'm so happy he has found something to do which gives him great satisfaction. I think his students are really fortunate to have such a caring prof.

And just because it turned blustery and chilly today here are some photos to make us feel warm.

Kiser stockings

With all the needlework and fiber I handle you'd think we all had fancy stockings. Nope. They are made from towels and the names are bent chenille wire. Simple and it works for us.

Candles are nice

Candles are always cozy to have on hand as well.

 And guess who just had to come hang out by the fire with me? Here's Marlow just for you Karyn and David. This cat NEVER gives up till he gets whatever he's after!


Lastly, a surprise arrived today. Yea!! A box from Edible Arrangements! Yum!!!

Edible Arrangements

Here's the tag:

Thanks girls! We're proud to be your parents!!



  1. Happy anniversary! It's so nice to know someone loves what they do. The pictures are just gorgeous!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! Love the pictures. Great picture of Dad especially! -karyn
