Thursday, March 15, 2012

Around the Neighborhood

Ellen and Ta Yah left on Monday. Before they left Ta Yah agreed to be an adopted daughter of the family. We are blessed with quite the wide-reaching adopted family! It's so fun...and add constantly to our family circle!

Flowers are popping up here and there now. These are tiny little flowers on a pittosporum hedge.

Tiny Flowers

These pink evening primroses were shining in the grass when I walked over to Michele's house. I wonder how much we miss by always being in a car!

Evening Primrose

Lastly, I had to go by and check on the little pond near our house. This pair of ducks has taken up residence there. I expected them to run away when I approached but they ran toward me instead! I guess someone has been feeding them. LOVE this came out nicely.

Friendly pair

Things are moving along here. An inspecting roofer told us our prospective house needs a new roof. It could have killed the whole deal but we have worked out an agreeable solution so for now the sale is still on. Nothing is really set until the check clears and the papers are all signed. I'm really hoping this happens as Bob has already hit up for free business cards with the new address! Ever the optimist....and cheap!!! 8^)



  1. good morning---we are getting lots of blooms here too! Azaleas and even a tulip that Pierce planted in October (the tulip's friends seem to be a little late in pushing up buds).
    Miss you!


  2. Yay! for the house.
    My daffodils bloomed earlier this month!
    You have amazing daughters and adopted daughters as well.
    Vista print rocks!
    Thanks for keeping up the PoTD! Look forward to seeing more pics of the house.

  3. Nice pictures, Mom -- I'm looking forward to seeing the house, too.
