Monday, March 26, 2012

What a Week!!!

I loaded up my car last Monday (19th) and headed off to Mo Ranch. First off it looked like four people were going but it was just me! My spinning wheel (Kromski Minstrel) got the place of honor and rode shotgun with me. It's not a travel wheel and the front seat is the only place it will fit in my car!

Kromski Minstrel

Thankfully the threatened storm held off and it was clear sailing for the two hour drive to the ranch near Hunt, TX. Most of the drive was on I-10 but then it got interesting. I took the scenic route along the Guadalupe River and passed lots of other ranches. I really wished someone else was driving so I could take pictures but it was a twisty road so I would've just been carsick anyway. Here's what I saw when I finally arrived at my destination.....

First view at Mo Ranch

A nice man greeted me at the registration building and gave me a map so I could get to our cabin. I needed the map. Mo Ranch is a huge place!!

Road to our cabin

 You can check out the ranch here....  It's a truly beautiful spot, a little bit rustic but not too much so! Our event planners did a bang-up fabulous job planning meals and housing. We were all in a building all to ourselves and had lunch in the ranch dining hall. Dinners were catered so no clean-up to do. Awesome!!

Karen setting up

Headed to my room on the 2nd floor

 Karen, the spinner who dreamed up the whole spinning retreat (This is its 2nd year.) was already there getting set up.

We were two to the room and bathrooms with showers were at the end of the hall. Six rooms were on either side of this central area....or maybe it's eight rooms. I never really counted them!

Setting up the spinning wheel 

Here's my roommate, Marilyn, setting up her wheel. We were roommates in our college days so this was a real reunion for us! MMH (our name for Marilyn) arrived shortly after me.

 A few spinners, including our mentor for the week, had travel delays and didn't arrive until late or even the next morning. Thankfully, the threatened storm arrived late that evening and didn't interfere with anyone. There was some pretty large hail but no one in our group suffered any damage. The evening was spent getting to know each other, setting up, finding rooms and eating dinner. So far, so good!! The fiber stuff will start tomorrow.



  1. welcome Back! I sure missed the daily log...

  2. Not only are you a great photographer, but a story teller as well! Mmh
