Monday, January 23, 2012

T Bar M Resort and Conference Center

The basket weaving conference I recently attended was held at the T Bar M Resort and Conference Center in New Braunfels, TX. ( ). I think 'resort' is a bit of a stretch but it is a very nice place and I would recommend it as a destination. Best of all for me, it's only 30 minutes from our house! I'm not crazy about long drives so it was a big plus in my mind.

Typical of many Texas places it was done up in a country/western theme. There were lots of touches to achieve this end. Here's one of the chandeliers in the conference center. What do you think?

I had forgotten how gorgeous the berries are on yaupon holly. These grew in front of our house in College Station, TX. The cedar waxwings would eat them and then sit all wobbly on the branches. They looked more than a little drunk and it made them easy pickings for the cats.

Yaupon holly

Lastly, there was this item out in the grass. I'm pretty sure it's an old horse-drawn plow. Can you imagine how you'd look after a day of driving horses up and down the field plowing fresh rows?! Wow, things have really changed. I'm sure the horses are glad for the change as well!

Old plow

So, you can see I took photos of more than just baskets and basket weavers! Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. We had District 4-H Leadership Lab at TBar'M a couple of years ago, and we will be there again this June. It is a very nice facility. Mmh
