Saturday, February 18, 2012

Last of the Rodeo

 I have been busy, busy this week. First the luncheon and then looking at houses to possibly buy. House shopping is tricky business and totally a new deal this go-round. No more of 'we can live here a couple of years'. Now it's 'Will I be happy here for years to come?!' Whoa!!! But I digress....first let's finish up this rodeo!

Here are the Montagnos (Bob's deputy at METC and his spouse) with Ron Benton. Ron was a winner of some rodeo thing in years past and I crassly asked if I could get a photo of the belt buckle. Belt buckles are a big deal for cowboys and in the stores, I kid you not, there are waist high mirrors so you can see how they look when you have them on!

Ron Benton and the Montagnos

It's all about the buckle!


 Even the bathrooms were coordinated to the occasion!

After the bull riding event it was time to set up for the evening's 'entertainment' which this night was a concert put on by Luke Bryan. I don't keep up with this stuff but a couple of ladies working for Bob declared that he is 'hot'. You decide.

Set up for concert

Since it was military night they put chairs down close for many Wounded Warriors who are being treated at facilities in San Antonio. I say the level made this a dubious honor at best! BTW, that stage rotated throughout the performance.

Luke Bryan himself

Stars all around

At this point Bob had been sitting with his fingers in his ears for a while so we decided to call it a night and enjoy the music from afar.....really afar, like from home! So, all in all, a great first rodeo for Bob and a fun night visiting with others in our box and those who dropped by. And we still have the blanket, too!



  1. WOOOOO..I thought Portsmouth was your favorite place to live!

    1. I don't think they'll let me move back in at Hospital Point and anywhere else would just not be the same!! 8^)
